Booking is open for our 2016 Summer School – don’t miss the opportunity to have an inspiring week of music-making next August!
Tutors above are, from left to right – Christine Stevenson, Graham Fitch, James Lisney and Karl Lutchmayer, photographed while rehearsing Richard Nye’s ‘This Marvellous Machine’ for 8 hands at one piano.
And we welcome newcomer Ann Martin Davis – read about her here.
The course will again return to the All Steinway Performance Hub in the West Midlands, with masterclasses, tutor recitals, student concerts, and presentations on offer, plus a lively social scene. There are classes for accompaniment, and for duets. Private lessons can be booked, and there is a swimming pool and gym on the campus.
For more details, visit the About page, and the application form can be downloaded here.